

In the world of Business Intelligence, hiring IBM is often considered the safest bet, especially if the core offering supports an IBM solution. Yet our client Senturus, a mid-size data analytics consultancy, had the team and talent to go toe-to-toe with them. In fact, when Senturus scored a business development meeting and could demonstrate their knowledge first-hand, business typically followed. Senturus had the goods, they just didn’t have the right image and messaging to open doors.


Leveraging our 4Cs process we validated their observations, and revealed that the company also had a leg up on the competition; namely that they didn’t over-promise. Nor did they make an already complex project even more complicated. (CFOs and their staffs were suffering extreme buyers’ remorse for spending big money on previous datamart projects that had not panned out.) Thus, central to overcoming prospect reticence was convincing them decision-makers that this unfamiliar company was credible in their industry — whether biotech, energy, government, financial services or healthcare. 

Addressing Senturus’ Brand Image was therefore high on our To Do list. The brand architecture developed for Senturus hinged on a core proposition that cut across vertical sectors: Providing clarity out of chaos. Our designers went to work on imagery and developed a new logo that visually expressed the coming together of dispirate information to form a lucid whole. Traditional shades of navy and cobalt coalesced into a globe, reinforcing that Senturus is a large, solid, savvy organization. 

We also built out traditional business materials such as business cards and letterhead, as well, as developing e-templates for white papers and other collateral that Senturus could tailor for future engagement incentives. We updated trade show signage and designed employee apparel to make a bigger impact at those events. 

Meanwhile our web team tackled a ground-up build of The website had the potential to be their best lead qualifier, as well as a revenue generator in its own right. The site design grew out of the new identity, including detailed content both vertically by industry and horizontally by business process. We built an  e-commerce engine for online and offline Cognos training… a huge source of high-margin revenue and qualified leads (Tableau was soon added). The site build required sophisticated back-end integration with both Marketo and Salesforce platforms, an e-commerce engine, and conditioning of terabytes of training material. All while integrating new brand imagery and photography.


The new branding did its job. Since launch, Senturus has seen a 22.5% increase across all web engagment metrics including online sales, sing-up for event attendance, and requests for contact. Better still, the Senturus team report an increase of over 25% in total consulting bookings since the new branding went into market.

Website Design

Brand Identity

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