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As common as the word “branding” is today, what it means to people seems to be quite varied. Perhaps that’s as it should be because, at least in our definition, branding begins with vision and ends with the every day realities of product, price and performance in the market…and everything in between. But, one thing is certain; a clear, salient, and cohesive brand produces results more consistently and profitably than a chaotic one. 

And, that’s what we’re all about. 

  1. Brand Planning  Whether you need ground up market research and messaging architecture or simply a New Year’s fine tuning, we will provide a crisp encapsulation of your value proposition and differentiation so what you stand for and how you do business is crystal clear inside the company and out.
  2. Brand Identity Does your current imagery capture and convey what you’re all about? If  not, we’ll update or replace your logo and identity materials to make every last spec sheet, shopping bag or napkin reinforce what’s special about you. 
  3. Branded Marketing Many companies have more than one market, or partner, or marketing objective. We develop advertising and social media  programs that speak to the issues of key targets while uniting all your efforts into a coherent (and harder-working) whole. 
  4. Branded Sites and Solutions We don’t stop at copy and art direction. We use our keen understanding of your business and technology to build websites, e-commerce outlets, internal document management and bespoke workflow systems to help you deliver better customer experiences while improving operational efficiency. 

Sound like a lot from a smallish firm? Perhaps, but we’re ambitious because we are dedicated to creating true Brands (not simply the appearance of them.) Read on for how we pull it all together. 

Branding Case Studies

Here are examples of our work. Each is unique to the culture and category of that client, but stem from a common framework. We explore the assets and vulnerabilities of a company; needs and hopes of customers; economic and social context; and opportunities for new and useful solutions. These insights inspire us to create brand imagery, brand experiences, and brand promotions to drive business growth. 

Branding Expertise

Because a brand is both a top down vision and the sum of many parts, we find ourselves doing everything from corporate design guidelines, to e-commerce websites, to yard signs. And while their specific purpose may be quite different, each hews to an essential value proposition that proclaims and differentiates that business in its marketplace.

Our Team

We call Pioneer Square in Seattle home. But, to keep our operation lean and sophisticated, we build teams custom to each client relationship from a group of seasoned pro’s. We pride ourselves on knowing the ropes, cutting quickly to the core of an issue, and executing with high-end efficiency. So you get the most powerful outcome with the least amount of fuss 

One Degree Creative Portfolio

If you want to see more, here’s our current portfolio. We’d be even happier to meet with you in person. Give us a ring or drop an email and let’s schedule a meeting so you  can tell us more about you, what you want to achieve, and how we can help. (And, we can find out if we have some of that powerful brand chemistry, as well.) 

Let’s talk.


Betsy Sperry

One Degree Brand Chemistry
119 1st Avenue South, Suite 270
Seattle, Washington 98104

Give us a ring, or fill out the form below.

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