Branding Case Studies

Branding Case Studies

Branding and rebranding are grand challenges that require more than a new logo or crafty positioning statement. Whether a new brand, a total pivot or a simpler reorganization, a company embarking on a new mission needs an explicit understanding of its target customers, direct and in-direct competition, channel and influencer eco-system, as well as the greater context in which they operate. Not to mention, total buy-in from its leadership and rank-and-file alike. 

The following cases demonstrate how we have partnered with clients in the past to achieve these not-so-simple goals. 


Fisk Alloy : A Strategy Equal to the Brand

This case captures our end-to-end rebranding approach from market research, to identity design, to go-to-market programs. It covers the importance of our collaboration with both marketing and sales teams. The role of solution-selling in multi-tier channels. And, perhaps most critically, how Fisk Alloy’s leaders garnered operational alignment leveraging inspirational video, banners on the factory floor, and staff apparel. 

Mediterraneo : Appealing to Past and Future

Custom construction is big business in the San Francisco Bay Area, and despite an ownership change, our clients wanted to reap the benefits of a long history in the market while also capturing larger and more complex projects among the up-and-coming tech elite of Silicon Valley. A new brand strategy, identity and website were built, along with provocative advertising, to ensure their consideration by this new generation of homeowners. 


Maze Health : An Authentic Brand

Maze is a large, multi-faceted medical group with distinct practices for Men, Women, a Lab, and a Cord Blood Bank. Our consumer research, brand strategy and identity system, and a cadre of new websites, demonstrate what every company rebranding has in common: the imperative to strike at the heart of a customer need while emanating from the soul of the company.


Senturus : Taking on Big Blue

The heart of this case study is a sophisticated website — which serves Senturus as both an online education platform and as their primary new business lead generator. While we were first hired to take on the site design and build, our engagement ultimately expanded to include a more in-depth market analysis and full brand repositioning and identity design.


Betsy Sperry

One Degree Brand Chemistry
119 1st Avenue South, Suite 270
Seattle, Washington 98104

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