Branding Expertise

Why is branding expertise important?

Branding has always been a powerful marketing tool for building name recognition, establishing barriers to competitive entry, and commanding premium pricing. But, in the mobile-first, social media reality of 2017, consistent and proactive branding is more important than ever. At the most practical level: consider a restaurant that does not establish and control its own brand. Rather than offering local foodies a website romancing their farm-to-table fare and craft cocktails, instead the most recent customer rant on Yelp (conceivably written by a competitor) comes up first. This is just one reason a marketer should consider a 360 degree brand plan today. 

Our job is to provide clients not just guidelines for smart branding, but a platform for turning this plan into profitable results.

Brand Strategy

Our approach to strategy goes much deeper than communications. We look at the underpinnings of your business, your customer, the current economic and cultural dynamics, and suss out opportunities for market leverage. We build an architecture to facilitate top-to-bottom buy-in to your vision and, importantly, clarify your messaging as well as a go-to-market action plan.  


Corporate Identity

An amazing logo does not always seem amazing at first blush. A new identity takes on meaning over time as it is associated — appropriately and consistently — with an organization. The home run is creating a vivid device that reinforces the company’s essence, whether its name, energy, values, or performance, while building an emotional connection with your audience.


Brand Standards

Brand standards are essentially an owner’s manual for using your brand, to be used by anyone communicating for you internally or externally. As every execution of your name, identity, or promotions will influence how your company is perceived, it’s important to define sufficient guidelines to maintain consistency, while keeping them simple and flexible enough to be practical in the real world.


Leveraging Historic Icons

It’s human to want something new and different. It also makes for great marketing. But, as tempting as it is, we like to tread carefully. For many companies, private and public alike, the legacy of a founder — or early pioneers, employees, or customers — is an irreplaceable asset. Understood well and used with discretion, they can provide a rosetta stone for what made you great to begin with.


Betsy Sperry

One Degree Brand Chemistry
119 1st Avenue South, Suite 270
Seattle, Washington 98104

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